Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Year, new life?

Maybe so, maybe no!  I gave up New Year's resolutions so many years ago I can't remember now.  What I found was, I resolve so many things throughout the year that December 31 is just one more on the list and it isn't that significant.

What I also found is, it takes works.  I can't just decide something and make it so.  I need to devote energy to it on a regular basis and if I don't do that, another day/week/month/year goes by...

Sometimes I feel like one of those circus performers spinning plates on a stick; just when the last one is spinning right, the first one is faltering...and so on, and so on.  Getting it just right takes a lot of work and if it isn't worth it, why continue?

Balance is attainable, but not infinitely.  It depends on what really matters - and those few things that really matter don't change as time goes on.  For me, they just come into sharper focus year after year.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Working it out

In the pouring rain! As usual - boot camp in the new year, and it's pouring. That's ok tho, we'll be warm enough soon enough.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey blogosphere!

Feeling blue in the dreary winter...sister & family heading off to Europe soon for a four-month adventure, starting with a cross-continental train trip & an Atlantic crossing on the Queen Mary II! And that's just for jealous.